  • OPEN at 13:40
  • START 14:00

第67回東北吹奏楽コンクール 高等学校の部


第67回東北吹奏楽コンクール 高等学校の部


LIVE Classic


The Tohoku Wind Orchestra Competition is held with the participation of wind orchestra groups recommended at prefectural competitions in six prefectures in the Tohoku region (Aomori, Akita, Iwate, Yamagata, Miyagi, and Fukushima).
At the 67th tournament in 2024, in addition to selling seats at the venue, paid live video streaming will be available only for the high school and junior high school divisions.

[Organizer] Tohoku Wind Orchestra Federation
For more information about the tournament, click here ⇒ http://www.ajba.or.jp/tohoku/

[Date and Venue]
<Akita Arts Theatre Milhas>
Day 1: Saturday, August 24, (Sat) High School Division (First Half) (Second Half)
Day 2: (Sun) 2024 Junior High School Section (First Half) (Second Half)

*Paid live streaming in 2024 will only be available for the high school and junior high school divisions.
If you purchase either the first or second half of the paid live streaming, we will also broadcast the award ceremony for the category you purchased, so please take advantage of this.

[Official Tournament Program]
Purchase here ⇒ https://www.brain-shop.net/shop/c/c10301013/


This performance can only be viewed online. Delivery time and performers are subject to change due to schedule.

This performance will be distributed using the video distribution platform "Vimeo".
Please make sure that you can watch it in the recommended environment before purchasing.

The site may become crowded just before START, so please register and purchase tickets in plenty of time.

Inquiries about performances

Contact: Brain Tokyo branch office
Phone number: 03-5298-8336