  • OPEN 14:00
  • Start START
End of delivery:2024/9/29 (Sun)23:59

東京ポッド許可局 2024 秋の祭典

東京ポッド許可局 2024 秋の祭典

LIVE & Archive Event


This performance can only be viewed online. Delivery time and performers are subject to change due to schedule.

This performance will be distributed using the video distribution platform “ULIZA”.
Please make sure that you can watch it in the recommended environment before purchasing.

The site may become crowded just before START, so please register and purchase tickets in plenty of time.


  • [Cast]東京ポッド許可局 東京ポッド許可局
Inquiries about performances

Contact: TBS Radio Event Dial
Phone number: 03-5570-5151