- Doors OPEN 00:00
- START 00:00
End of delivery:2025/2/16 (Sun)23:59
売野雅勇 MIND CIRCUS RADIO SHOW 2024 アンコール配信
<12月14日(土) 公演>
売野雅勇 MIND CIRCUS RADIO SHOW 2024 アンコール配信
<12月14日(土) 公演>
If you purchase this ticket, you can watch the online video streaming.
Delivery time and performers are subject to change due to schedule.
This performance will be distributed using the video distribution platform “ULIZA”.
Please make sure that you can watch it in the recommended environment before purchasing.
The site may become crowded just before START, so please register and purchase tickets in plenty of time.
[Cast]売野雅勇 売野雅勇
[Co-stars/Guests]横山剣 横山剣
[The guests]荻野目洋子 荻野目洋子
[The guests]南佳孝 南佳孝
[The guests]Max Lux MAX LUX
Inquiries about performances
For inquiries, please contact: Tokyo Onkyo https://t-onkyo.co.jp/